...I Heard Y'all Been Lookin' For Me?

Oh hi. Hello. It’s been quite a fucking while, don’t you think?

I would say let’s catch up but…we all know what it is. We’ve survived a global pandemic (by just about the skin of our teeth), and here we are on the other side - the intelligent among us vaccinated and ready to conquer whatever the rest of this year and the next have to offer. Huzzah!

When last we met, I was in damage control mode of sorts, and I am happy to report that things have not changed very much in the last couple years. The me that wrote that post in February of 2020 certainly could not have pictured the trajectory of her life and where we are now, but that’s all beside the point. You’re here to talk shop…and maybe to spend some money, too. Which is super cool, and super appreciated.

I’ve decided to cut my ties with third party platforms and sell for myself - which is terrifying. I really think people only know about my stuff because I waste money on Etsy marketing and make use of the platform they already have, but I happen to be at a place in my life where I think the risk is worth it, and I am jumping before I check to make sure that there’s a net. I will most likely regret that, but…a girl has to try, right?

So I hope you’ll come back for more and keep up with me as I tweak this page here and there, put a little more work into it, and show off what I have to offer. I would love to hear from more of you, either on Instagram or just send me a message, leave a comment, let me know I’m not totally screaming into the ether, yeah?

Loving you fuckers always, especially on the hard days,

XOXO Rachface